Examples of dishonorable speech by bernie sanders:

Apr. 25, 2021:

Independent Senator Bernie Sanders (who caucuses with Democrats), Apr. 25, 2021 tweet:

“A $15 minimum wage is supported by: 89% of African Americans, 87% of Democrats, 76% of Latino Americans, 73% of Asian Americans, 62% of all Americans. It’s time for Congress to stop listening to greedy CEOs and start listening to workers who are tired of making starvation wages” [Note: I added some punctuation for where he had items on separate lines. In the tweet was a link to a tweet by the Pew Research Fact Tank that included a link to the poll upon which Sanders’ numbers were based.]

Dishonorable speech categories:

#11 misrepresenting reality by cherry picking (for not mentioning the percentage of White Americans or Republicans who favor a $15/h minimum wage), #12 (level 1) declaring bad intent (“greedy CEOs”), #15 promoting victimhood and entitlement (“tired of making starvation wages”)

Suggested more honorable version:

A $15/h minimum wage is favored by: 89% of African Americans, 87% of Democrats, 76% of Latino Americans, 73% of Asian Americans, 62% of all Americans, 51% of White Americans, 28% of Republicans. I believe it’s time for Congress to act in line with what the majority of Americans favor: raising the minimum wage to $15/h. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/04/22/most-americans-support-a-15-federal-minimum-wage/