Examples of dishonorable speech by ted cruz:

Apr. 20, 2021:

Republican Senator Ted Cruz, Apr. 20, 2021 tweet:

“The most important political shift of the last decade is that the Republican Party became the party of working men and women. It’s because Democrats care more about money from California billionaires than the jobs of steelworkers and truck drivers.”

Dishonorable speech categories:

#12 (level 1) declaring bad intent (“Democrats care more about money…than jobs”), #13 offering opinion as fact (“most important political shift”), #11 misrepresenting reality by cherry picking (“the jobs of steelworkers and truck drivers”), #11 misrepresenting reality via over-simplification (“the Republican Party became the party of working men and women,” “it’s because”)

Suggested more honorable version:

In my opinion, the most important political shift of the last decade is a 12-point increase in blue-collar voters who identify as Republican, & 8-point decrease for Democrats: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/meet-the-press/gop-rapidly-becoming-blue-collar-party-here-s-what-means-n1258468. I don’t agree with the president revoking the Keystone pipeline permit – I don’t feel any possible environmental benefits outweigh the resulting loss of energy security and jobs.

[Here I’ve assumed that Cruz holds the opinions I’m indicating he does.]