Examples of dishonorable speech by chuck schumer

Apr. 6, 2021:

Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Apr. 6, 2021 tweet:

“Thank you to @SecCardona for joining @SenWarren and me to talk with student borrowers about their experiences with student debt. President Biden can #CancelStudentDebt and help close the racial wealth gap.”

Dishonorable speech categories:

#11 misrepresenting reality – cherry picking (not noting that “student borrowers” was 4 black student borrowers – this may not accurately represent black student borrowers in general, or Hispanic borrowers, etc.), #11 misrepresenting reality – cherry picking (only giving one possible effect of canceling student debt, i.e., closing the racial gap), #3 shaming – (“…Biden… can… help close the racial wealth gap.” May be taken to imply Biden should help close the racial wealth gap by canceling student debt, and is bad if he doesn’t)

Suggested more honorable version:

Thank you to @SecCardona for joining @SenWarren and me to talk with 4 black student borrowers about their experiences with student debt. The racial wealth gap is a multi-faceted issue (e.g., see https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2021/02/23/some-say-debt-forgiveness-would-lessen-racial-wealth-gap-others-say-it-would-make-it).  I believe #CancelStudentDebt would help close the racial wealth gap and this outweighs the negatives such as not encouraging fiscal responsibility among borrowers.