Examples of dishonorable speech by Kamala Harris:

Dec. 21, 2020:

Kamala Harris, unofficial U.S. vice-president-elect, at a rally in Georgia, Dec. 21, 2020:


“I was there [on the floor of the U.S. Senate] when the Republicans were trying to get rid of the Affordable Care Act that they named Obamacare, that brought healthcare to tens of millions of people in our country. I watched as they dared to play politics with people’s lives and their wellbeing.” Dishonorable speech categories: #12 (level 1) implying bad intent (“dared to play politics”), #15 promoting entitlement/victimhood. Suggested more honorable version: I was there when Republicans were arguing for legislation to overturn the Affordable Care Act, an act that contributed to tens of millions of people getting health insurance in our country who didn’t have it before. I watched as these Republicans made arguments for legislation that would have likely resulted in millions fewer Americans having health insurance.