Examples of dishonorable speech by Mike Pence:

Dec. 10, 2020:

Mike Pence, U.S. vice-president, at a rally in Georgia, Dec. 10, 2020:

(Video; Transcript)

“I know we all got doubts about this last election. I know I do, but I actually hear some people saying, ‘If you’re in the Peach State, just don’t vote.’ My fellow Americans, if you don’t vote [in the Georgia Senate runoff elections], they win. If you don’t vote, there could be nothing to stop Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi from cutting our military, raising taxes and passing their agenda of the radical left.” Dishonorable speech categories: #5 (level 1) accusing someone of wrongdoing without supporting data (“doubts about this last election” implies wrongdoing by Democrats), #11 misrepresenting reality (over-simplification: “all” have doubts), #8 using vague terms that generally bring up negative emotions (“radical left”; “cutting our military” and “raising taxes” – where might cuts and raises be made?). Suggested more honorable version: I’d like to encourage you all to vote. If you prefer the Republican agenda over the Democratic one, as I do, please vote for the two Republican candidates for Senate. This will help avoid Democrats controlling both houses of Congress, and make it more difficult for them to advance their Democratic agenda.