jan. 19, 2024
value destructions minimal set (Updated)
1. Increasing existential risks
2. Someone dying, or increasing its risk
3. Non-freely chosen physical pain of a human, or increasing its risk
4. Loss of function due to health issue, or increasing its risk
5. Bringing life into the world with insufficient resources/lack of intent to support it
6. Extinction of animal or plant species or increasing its risk
7. Threat (by someone) of physical violence or emotional pain
8. Emotional abuse of a child
9. Emotional pain or increasing its risk
10. Words or actions that needlessly hurt someone’s reputation
11. Damaging/destroying property or increasing its risk
12. Freely chosen anti-survival (masochistic) physical pain
13. Anti-survival (sadistic) pleasure
14. Going against one’s conscience (includes not helping when one could)
15. Denying responsibility, lowering one’s self-esteem
16. Actively going against justice being upheld
17. An animal dying or increasing its likelihood
18. Physical pain of animals or increasing its likelihood
19. Words or actions that encourage violence
20. Words or actions that encourage stealing
21. Words that spread false info (including misrepresenting the hierarchy of value)
22. Actions that misrepresent the hierarchy of value
23. Words or actions that discourage empathy, creativity, curiosity, critical thinking, honest effort and/or responsibility
24. A plant dying or increasing its likelihood
25. Discouraging human interaction, community
26. Decreasing economic activity
27. Reducing options to net build value
28. Putting in effort towards a net destructive goal
29. Setting a bad example
30. Errors of thought
Violating right to life, or increasing its likelihood
Violating right to body integrity, or increasing its likelihood
Violating right to property, or increasing its likelihood
Value Builds Minimal Set (Updated)
1. Reducing existential risks
2. Upholding a principle such as love
3. Reducing the probability of loss of a human life
4. Reducing the probability of non-freely chosen physical pain of a human
5. Reducing the probability of loss of function due to health issues
6. Bringing more life into the world with resources expected to be sufficient, and with intent to support the life
7. Reducing the probability of animals or plants going extinct
8. Reducing the probability of emotional abuse of a child
9. Reducing the probability of emotional pain
10. Words or actions that deservedly improve someone’s reputation
11. Repairing/beautifying property
12. Returning something stolen
13. Taking responsibility, building one’s self-esteem
14. Thinking through the ethics of one’s decisions in advance
15. Upholding justice
16. Reducing the probability of property damage/stealing
17. Reducing the probability of loss of an animal life
18. Reducing the probability of pain of an animal
19. Words or actions that inspire non-violence, discourage violence
20. Words or actions that inspire earning what you get, discourage stealing
21. Words that correct false info (including accurately representing the hierarchy of value)
22. Actions that accurately represent the hierarchy of value
23. Words or actions that encourage empathy, creativity, curiosity, critical thinking, honest effort, and/or responsibility
24. Practicing critical thinking, learning, or developing skills to increase one’s options
25. Reducing the probability of loss of plant life
26. Promoting human interaction, community
27. Increasing economic activity, paying people to do work
28. Increasing options to net build value (does this include extracting and purifying raw materials and helping plants grow?)
29. Putting in effort towards a net non-destructive goal
30. Setting a good example and inspiring others
31. Being creative in art or science
32. Doing things you enjoy, experiencing new things
33. Giving yourself or someone else pleasure/new experiences that are welcomed
34. Cooperating with others
35. Helping others
Decreasing the likelihood of a right to life violation
Decreasing the likelihood of a right to body integrity violation
Decreasing the likelihood of a right to property violation
Nov. 29, 2023
value destructions minimal set (outdated)
1 – Increasing existential risks
2 – Violation of right to life
3 – Violation of right to body integrity
4 – Violation of right to property
5 – Someone dying, or increasing its risk
6 – Non-freely chosen physical pain, or increasing its risk
7 – Long-term health issue, or increasing its risk
8 – Bringing life into the world with insufficient resources/lack of intent to support it
9 – Extinction of animal species or increasing its risk
10 – Threat (by someone) of physical violence or emotional pain
11 – Emotional abuse of a child
12 – Emotional pain
13 – Words or actions that needlessly hurt someone’s reputation
14 – Destroying property
15 – Freely chosen anti-survival (masochistic) physical pain
16 – Anti-survival (sadistic) pleasure
17 – Going against one’s conscience
18 – Not taking responsibility
19 – Acting without pre-thought to ethical consequences
20 – Not upholding justice
21 – Not helping when one could to save a life or help someone avoid long-term health issues
22 – An animal dying
23 – Physical pain of animals
24 – Extinction of plant species or increasing its risk
25 – Words or actions that encourage violence
26 – Not helping when one could to save an animal life or help an animal avoid pain
27 – Words or actions that encourage stealing
28 – Words that spread false info (including misrepresenting the hierarchy of value)
29 – Actions that misrepresent the hierarchy of value
30 – Words or actions that discourage empathy, creativity, curiosity, critical thinking, honest effort and/or responsibility
31 – A plant dying
32 – Reducing options to net build value
33 – Putting in effort towards a net destructive goal
34 – Setting a bad example
35 – Not helping to enhance your and other people’s experiences of life
36 – Not thinking critically and/or committing errors in reasoning
37 – Not cooperating with others
Value Builds Minimal Set (outdated)
1 – Reduce existential risks
2 – Upholding rights
3 – Upholding a principle such as love
4 – Saving/maintaining a human life or reducing the probability of its loss
5 – Saving a human from non-freely chosen physical pain, or reducing the probability of pain
6 – Saving a human from long-term health issues, or reducing the probability of long-term health issues
7 – Bringing more life into the world when resources are expected to be enough to support it, and with intent to support it
8 – Protecting animals and plants from extinction (maintaining biodiversity)
9 – Saving a child from emotional abuse
10 – Repairing property
11 – Beautifying
12 – Returning something stolen
13 – Helping a human with emotional pain
14 – Words or actions that deservedly improve someone’s reputation
15 – Going with one’s conscience
16 – Taking responsibility, building one’s self-esteem
17 – Thinking through the ethics of one’s decisions
18 – Upholding justice
19 – Risk mitigation, prepping, and saving/protecting property from damage/stealing
20 – Saving/maintaining an animal life or reducing the probability of its loss
21 – Saving an animal from pain, or reducing the probability of its pain
22 – Saving/maintaining a plant life or reducing the probability of its loss
23 – Words or actions that inspire non-violence, discourage violence
24 – Words or actions that inspire earning what you get, discourage stealing
25 – Words that correct false info (including accurately representing the hierarchy of value)
26 – Actions that accurately represent the hierarchy of value
27 – Words or actions that encourage empathy, creativity, curiosity, critical thinking, honest effort, and/or responsibility
28 – Practicing critical thinking, learning, or developing skills to increase one’s options
29 – Promoting human interaction, community
30 – Increasing other humans’ options to net build value
31 – Putting in effort towards a net non-destructive goal
32 – Setting a good example and inspiring others
33 – Being creative in art or science
34 – Doing things you enjoy, experiencing new things
35 – Giving yourself or someone else pleasure/new experiences that are welcomed
36 – Increasing economic activity, paying people to do work
37 – Cooperating with others
38 – Helping others